Sika ViscoCrete-3115 ID is a third generation superplasticiser for concrete and mortar. It is particularly developed for the production of high flow concrete with exceptional flow retention properties. ...
SikaCim® Paver® is a compaction aid for no-slump concrete. This admixture technology has been specifically developed for use in low cement content no-slump mixes. ...
Sika ViscoCrete® SC 305 ID is a customised third generation polycarboxylate polymer admixture for shotcrete application. The polymer significantly reduces water with improved slump life of the mix. Developed using nano technology, the specific polymer with a long molecular chain and attached side chains effectively disperse cement particles and through ...
SikaFume is a new generation concrete additive in a fine powder form based on Silica fume technology. SikaFume is used as a high effective additive for the production of high quality concrete. Complies with ASTM C 1240-00 ...
Sikacrete – W is an original micro silica-based process for treating underwater cast concrete. Sikacrete – W greatly enhances concrete cohesion and imparts outstanding flow properties. It reduces concrete wash-out during under-water concrete pouring ...
A ready to use highly concentrated air entraining concrete admixture. Its efficiency is based upon the entrainment into the mix of a high number of correctly sized and evenly distributed air bubbles. Complies with A.S.T.M. C 260 – 94 ...
SikaFibre is high quality micro monofilament polypropylene fibres. It is designed to minimize and control plastic shrinkage cracks in concrete. SikaFibre is available in pre-measured, ready to use degradable bags for 1 m3 of concrete. ...
A liquid concrete plasticizer and water reducing agent with set retarding effect. Complies with A.S.T.M. C 494-92 Type D ...
Sikadur®-42 MP Slow HC is a three-component, multi purpose, solvent-free, moisture tolerant, epoxy grouting system. For use at temperatures between +20°C and +40ºC. ...
Sikadur®-42 MP Normal HC is a three-component, flowable and self leveling, multi purpose, solvent-free, moisture tolerant, epoxy grouting system. For use at temperatures between +15°C and +30ºC. ...