Dari angkur resin sederhana sampai yang paling banyak permintaan untuk grouting rel, CRP menawarkan berbagai macam berbasis semen, epoksi, polyuretan atau poliester grouts. Kami dapat menawarkan material cepat setting, untuk di bawah air, kekuatan tinggi, tahan getaran atau bahkan hanya sekantung sederhana untuk pelat dasar. Kami stok volume besar merek terkenal termasuk Conbextra, Masterflow dan Sikagrout.
PT. Cipta Rupa Pertama
+62 22 9273 0666
PT. Cipta Rupa Pertama
+62 22 9192 8882
PT. Cipta Rupa Pertama
+62 21 9087 7195
1. NITOTILE UW GROUT Is a blend of specially selected cements, fillers and synthetic organic polymers. When added to water it readily blends to produce a smooth creamy paste which when set is water and mould resistant. ...
Acrylic polymer modified protective and decorative coating for concrete and masonry. Uses To protect atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete structures from attack by acid gases, chloride ions, oxygen and water. The product is also suitable to protect other cementitious substrates and masonry for new and existing structures. Typical applications include : - Re-facing and ...
Cebex 100 is dupplied as a powder admixture. The material is a combination of a plasticising agent and a gas producing expansion medium. The plasticising agent allows the use of a reduced water/cement ratio with consequent increased strengths and durability. The expansive medium counteracts the natural settlement and plastic shrinkage ...
Cebextra EP is a range of epoxy resin based products designed for free flow grouting of gaps from approximately 0.25 mm to 120 mm. Four grades of product are available. Cebextra EP10 for grouting gaps ranging from 0.25 mm to 10 mm. It is an all liquid system consisting of a ...
Conbextra EP10D is a two part low viscosity epoxy crack injection resin specially formulated for use in damp conditions. The cured epoxy resin will form hard, high strength and excellent bond to concrete which will prolong the life of the concrete to be repaired. ...
Conbextra EP10TG is a solvent free epoxy resin grout designed for grouting of gap widths of 0.25 – 10 mm. It is an all liquid system consisting of base and hardener. The components are supplied in the correct mix proportions designed for whole pack mixing on site. ...
Conbextra EP300 is a low exotherm material which is particularly suitable where long working time is needed : for large gaps (up to 300 mm) or for grouting at high ambient temperatures (up to 55°C). Conbextra EP300 is a three component system consisting of base resin, liquid hardener and specially graded ...
Conbextra EP75 is a solvent free epoxy resin grout sedigned for grouting of gap widths of 10 to 75 mm. It is supplied as a three component system consisting of base, hardener and specially graded aggregate. The components are supplied in the correct mix proportons designed for whole pack mixing ...
Conbextra EPHT is a solvent free epoxy resin based product designed for free flow grouting of gap widths from 10 mm to 120 mm particularly and where high service temperatures are present. The components of Conbextra EPHT are supplied in the correct mix proportions designed for whole pack mixing so that ...