Sika Limited, the UK subsidiary of the worldwide Sika Group was established in 1927 and through both organic growth and commercial acquisition, including the incorporation of former Trocal and Armorex materials, produces and markets a wide range of state-of-the-art systems. This activity is underpinned by unrivalled innovation in product development, the highest standards of manufacturing and renowned technical advice and in-situ guidance. Pioneers of a fully integrated service, the company is acknowledged in providing for end users or their specifiers, be they clients, designers, engineers.
PT. Cipta Rupa Pertama
+62 22 9273 0666
PT. Cipta Rupa Pertama
+62 22 9192 8882
PT. Cipta Rupa Pertama
+62 21 9087 7195
Epoxy Resin Bonding Agent A solvent-free, thixotropic, 2-component structural epoxy resin adhesive. Sikadur 732 provides a perfect bond for new concrete surface to old concrete. Complies with A.S.T.M C 881-78 Type II, Grade 2, Class B + C ...
Low Viscosity Epoxy Resin Injection. A solvent-free, 2-component super low viscosity-liquid, based on high strength epoxy resins. Specially for injecting into cavities and cracks in concrete. Complies with A.S.T.M C 881-78 Type I, Grade 1, Class B + C ...
SikaFume is a new generation concrete additive in a fine powder form based on Silica fume technology. SikaFume is used as a high effective additive for the production of high quality concrete. Complies with ASTM C 1240-00 ...
A non shrink, cementitious grout, with a unique 2-stage shrinkage compensating mechanism. It is non-metallic and contains no chloride. With a special blend of shrinkage - reducing and plasticizing/water-reducing agent, Sikagrout® 214-11 compensates for shrinkage in both the plastic and hardened states. Complies to Corps of Engineer’s specification CRD C-621 and ASTM ...
A non shrink, cementitious premixed grout with extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures. Flowable grout with high resistance to cement wash-out when placed under water. Complies to Corps of Engineer’s specification CRD C-621 and ASTM C-1107 ...
A non-shrink grout, specially developed for marine environment structure and concrete repair. With an additional special blend of fibre, silica fume and appropriate superplastizer, Sika Grout 215 M compensates shrinkage in both plastic and hardened states. Complies to ASTM C-1107 ...
A ready mixed, low heat cementitious grout incorporating silica fume which has excellent flowability and a special two-stage volumetric expansion characteristic to compensate the plastic shrinkage normally associated with cementitious grout. Complies to Corps of Engineer’s specification CRD C-621 and ASTM C-1107 ...
A synthetic rubber emulsion for addition to cement mortars where good adhesion and water resistance are required. ...
A highly effective water reducing agent and superplasticizer for promoting accelerated hardening with high workability. Complies with A.S.T.M. C 494-92 Type F ...
A concentrated solution of accelerating, plasticizing, and shrinkage-reducing agents. It is added to Portland cement to produce quick setting mortar. ...